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Natsionalʹnyy Zapovidnyk \Hlukhiv\ is rated 4.5 out of 5 in the category [CATEGORY]. Read and write reviews about Natsionalʹnyy Zapovidnyk \Hlukhiv\.
(Translated by Google) Not bad, but time and technology are moving forward, good luck to you ... (Original) Не плохо но время и техлологии движутся вперед удачи вам устехов.....
(Translated by Google) We had a wonderful guide Alexander with us, who tells interestingly, knows a lot of facts and legends, and knows how to present his native city in all its glory (Original) С нами был прекрасный гид Александр, который интересно рассказывает, знает очень много фактов и легенд, и умеет преподнести родной город во всей красе
(Translated by Google) It's good that there is a nature reserve in the city (Original) Хорошо, что есть заповедник в городе
(Translated by Google) Super!!! Guide Alexander had a wonderful tour !!! (Original) Супер!!! Гід Олександр провів чудову екскурсію!!!
(Translated by Google) you can visit (Original) посетить можно
(Translated by Google) It is interesting to see something unknown in the museum, to hear about the history of our city. (Original) Красиво !Цікаво побачити у музеї, послухати про історію нашого міста щось невідоме.
(Translated by Google) A city worthy of attention and wonder. (Original) Місто яке варте уваги і подиву.
(Translated by Google) Lots of nature, beautiful architectural building ... (Original) Много природы, красивое архитектурное здание...
Natsionalʹnyy Zapovidnyk \Hlukhiv\
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